Less plastic waste

Refills, not landfills!

It is important to put the finger on the subject of plastic waste. We constantly have to keep top of mind what an enormous burden all these plastics – from single-use tableware to foils, cigarette butts and even rubber ducks – are to our ecosystem.

Plastic waste is everywhere. It is visibly present in oceans, rivers and on land – around the world. Patches of plastic rubbish as big as all Central European countries put together, dead birds and fish caught in the man-made waste – a thankless 'inheritance' that our planet and future generations would be all too happy to reject. We must drastically change our behaviour with regard to plastic, and fast!

Our clean response:

To tell the truth, we are also a long way from reaching our goal and need plastic packaging for our liquid products. All the more reason for us to keep our plastic footprint as small as possible. We have a number of different solutions to stop the onslaught of plastic: We are reducing plastic production by using recyclates; and with our 'refills, not landfills' philosophy, we are setting an example for the throw-away society.

With our bulk packaging in our innovative bag-in-box packaging, you can take home your own 'refilling station' and, depending on the product, save up to 92% plastic. Our reusable options are also exceptionally clever. With our cleaning concentrate, you can fill up spray bottles and feel good knowing you are saving 82% plastic with every refill. Since 2015, we have saved nearly 500 tonnes of new plastic.


Our contribution to the environment