The sodasan

purity law

How things are done at sodasan

(and we don’t settle for anything less)

Our motto, 'the clean way to clean', gets straight to the point of what sodasan is all about. For us, everything revolves around genuine ecological action, and how we can counteract climate change in our own way. This starts with the procurement of clean raw materials and continues with the clean production in our eco-friendly plant in Ostfriesland and right through to the biodegradability of our products.

Our motto, 'the clean way to clean', gets straight to the point of what sodasan is all about. For us, everything revolves around genuine ecological action, and how we can counteract climate change in our own way. This starts with the procurement of clean raw materials and continues with the clean production in our eco-friendly plant in Ostfriesland and right through to the biodegradability of our products.

This is what we stand for and what pushes us forward.


Our contribution to the environment